Thursday, May 14, 2009

Popsicles, Lollipops and Protein Shakes

So, things have been pretty crazy lately. I knew first-year teaching would be difficult but it was too hard to imagine just coming out of an intense grad program. But now, I realize how strenuous this last year has been. And I came to this conclusion: teaching increases the aging process. Figures estimate that within just five years, I'll look like Gandolf from the Lord of the Rings. That's pretty cool though, because then I'll be able to make dragon fireworks and scare all the hobbits.

Anyway, a couple updates:

1. Most importantly, I got a new baby. Okay, a new bike. Check it out below:

Jamis Xenith T1

Jamis is an up and coming brand in the triathlon world. I suggest giving them a look. There's an insightful review in Bicycling Magazine .

I also joined Full Throttle Endurance, a competitive triathlon club on the Northeast. Haven't gotten to train with them much, but with the few times I have, they seemed like a great team to be on. I'm looking forward toward helping them keep their division title in the USAT club championships.

There's also been this sore throat that I've had for several months now. After watching many episodes of Heroes, I thought maybe I was growing an adaptation to breath fire, but my doctor stunted that hypothesis. Instead, it's popsicles, lollipops and protein shakes for me after the Musselman. I need to get my tonsils removes. Lame!
Make sure to send me Vanilla Ice Cream in August. That's the date of the surgery. For now, the doc suggested a waterpik. So, it seems shooting water at my tonsils will have to suffice for the next couple of months. Thank goodness my doctor is also a triathlete. After telling me the news, "Well, it seems that you're going to have to deal with the pain until after the Musselman. There's no way you're going to want to sit around for two weeks beforehand." By the way, with the waterpik, I've greatly increased me age once again. Pretty soon gray hair and a wizard stick.

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